King of the Jews
Watch the video version of this sermon here ! Hello and welcome back to another week here on Making Waves! I want to apologize for the messy past few weeks of missed blog posts and the such. Unfortunately, my computer has been at the doctor and it has made editing the video feed a little challenging, but they should be back on schedule after the brief hiccup soon. We have an incredibly interesting message this Sunday. Today is actually a holiday within the liturgical calendar of the Methodist tradition and several other doctrinal branches. It’s a fairly recent addition to the calendar (in fact, some might remember it’s inception!) and was added to the list in 1925. It’s known as Christ the King Sunday, and it just seemed so fitting for where we are at right now that I had to preach on it today. We’ll get to the scripture soon, but first, where did this young holiday get it’s roots? Well, it began in Mexico after the harsh religious persecution suffered by the Christians...
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