
Showing posts from January, 2017

Let's (NOT) Talk Politics

Check out the video format of this sermon by clicking here ! Hello and welcome back to Making Waves! It has been a quick minute since I have been back in this context. Two weeks ago there was a snow storm that led to a virtual sermon, and last week my wife and I had gone away for rest and renewal to relax and delve into our own personal relationship and deepen our connection with Christ. Needless to say, it’s wonderful to be back where I am called to be! That is, it may be wonderful, but it certainly is not easy. As a pastor, there are several things to which I am called. My life and my calling can be summed up in a few ways. My calling is the life of one who leads people into physical, spiritual and relational holiness. Every sermon that I write, every time I visit a member in the hospital or sit in their home, this is on the forefront of my mind. How will what I say, do or show lead this person or these people towards a place of greater physical, spiritual or relational holi...

Starting From Square One : Our Mission Through Christ

Check out the live feed video of this sermon here ! Welcome back to another week here on Making Waves! We are thrilled that you are all back with us today for a new addition to this latest sermon series: Starting From Square One. W For those of you who weren’t able to join us last week, let me do a quick recap to get us all on the same page. After the New Year, I got to thinking about this idea of the “New Year Resolution” and I thought about how such an activity could relate to those of us in the church. How can we apply such an idea to our own yearly cycle? That led to me thinking that in order to know where we are going, we need to know where we’ve been, where did it all start? So, we at Pelham UMC are taking a trip back in time to the roots of our faith and looking deeper at our call and mission as people of Christ. Last week, we read some of what Paul had to say and found that our mission was to deliver the Word of God through the gift of our Grace. With Jesus’ coming, gr...

Starting From Square One : Prisoner of Grace

Watch the video version of this sermon here . Hello and welcome back to another week here on Making Waves! If this is your first time joining us, we’re glad you’re here! What a wonderful time to join us here; you’re just in time for the new year. 2016 was a year full of hope and loss, disappointment and excitement. However, through the ups and the downs, Christ held us through all of it. We are going to be starting a new sermon series on Making Waves with this session and it spawns from this idea of a New Year’s Resolution… odds are you made one of these this past Saturday at midnight. These resolutions are goals or aspirations for the coming year. We set them for ourselves and we hope to hold strong on them throughout the coming year to see what becomes of our resolve this time next year. We pledge to lose weight, eat healthier, work out more, love deeper, clean up after ourselves, try to be happier, and the list goes on and on. I have always found this piece of tradition so ...

The Cast of Christmas : Christ That Is With You

View the video version of this sermon here . Hello and welcome back to another wonderful week here on Making Waves! If you’re just now joining us, I would encourage you to take a trip back in time to the start of this series, but if not, then here is a quick recap. Five weeks ago we began a series called, “The Cast of Christmas,” where we look at the cast and characters of Christmas aside from our usual focus: Jesus. So, the first week, we took a look at Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, and we discovered that hope could be found in the Christmas season through our Father, God, and His covenant. Then, we talked about Joseph, the other famous dad from the Advent story, and learned about the peace that can be offered by an average Joe. After that, we dove into Mary’s Magnificat, or her Song, and found that Joy comes to us through the form of trust and obedience to an inspiring God. Then, last week, we took a step wayyyy back in time and learned about Ruth, a woman included...