
Showing posts from October, 2016

You Matter! : Covered Dish With Jesus

Click here to watch the video of this sermon!              Welcome back to Making Waves! So glad that you are joining us once again this week as we dive in to our third and final week of “You Matter!”: a series that assures us that we make a difference in this world and in the mission of Jesus Christ. During this political season and this rough generation of hatred, it can be hard to feel like we can even make a dent in this society, but over these past few weeks, we have read and seen how that couldn’t be further from the truth. We DO make a difference and we are specially selected to impact this world in our wonderfully crafted method. Two weeks ago, we started off this series with a discussion on how the Bible tells us that we matter. We read how we are all part of one body, with many different parts. Then last week, we looked at how the Holy Spirit tells us that we matter. We looked and saw that we are all given special spiritual gifts th...

You Matter! : The Three-Kick Rule

You can view the video version of this sermon here .             Greetings and welcome back to another week here at Making Waves! We are thrilled to have you back with us once again today. If you missed last week’s sermon, feel free to click back or scroll down in the blog to check it out first, as this is part 2 of a new sermon series we are taking under our wing. This new series is called, “You Matter!” I feel like now, more than ever, we are being beaten down in our lives. With the rise of technology and advance in communication, it can be hard to stay relevant. Especially in this political season, it’s hard to feel like our voice is being heard and that we matter. But, for whatever it’s worth, I’m telling you –right here, right now- YOU MATTER! Now, I’m no political analyst, so I can’t make any guarantees there… but I know that you matter in one of the most important ways imaginable: you matter to God and His purpose for ...

You Matter! : The Father, The Son & The Holy Goose

Feel free to watch the video version of this sermon here . Welcome to Making Waves! As always, it is wonderful to have you back here with us. This week, we are starting a new series, titled “You Matter.” Too often, we are tentative to do anything because we don’t feel like our vote matters, or that we can actually do anything to help anyone anyway. God calls us to something greater than a life of monotony and standing in the sidelines. God calls us to be right in the middle of things, making a difference and actively affecting those around us. I really hope that you’ll make sure to come out and join us next week, as we will be doing a spiritual gifts survey, and that won’t be one to miss. But before we get any further into this thing, let’s turn to the Word and dive right into it. I’m reading from 1 Corinthians, chapter 12, verses 14-26 today. “ 14 Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many. 15 If the foot would say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not ...